Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Extra Prayer Needed

My heart is very heavy tonight because I am at the hospital with Rob and my mom just called to say that Kailyn is very sick with what appears to be the flu. It is especially hard since I am not there with her. Please could you add her to you prayer list for tomorrow so that she will have a speedy recovery. I know that God said that he will not ever give us more than we can handle, but I must be honest and say that I think that Rob and I have reached our limit. I know that God must have much more faith in us than we do in ourselves. We need your prayers and kind words more than ever as it seems to continue getting more and more emotional.

As for Rob, medically he is doing much better so we are hoping that nothing new will pop up and he will now be able to focus all of his attention on therapy. He made huge progress this afternoon and even went all the way down to the cafeteria in his wheelchair. This was a huge step for him today both physically and emotionally. I will keep you updated as the week goes on.
